Rohit Talwar is a global futurist and the founder and CEO of Fast Future Research. An award-winning speaker on future insights and strategic innovation addressing leadership audiences in 40 countries on five continents, he is highly sought-after for his inspirational approach, provocative content and humorous style on topics ranging from future drivers of change, economic futures and innovation to emerging economies and winning in a downturn.
Current work
His Fast Future Research has recently focused on Global Mega Trends, Scenarios for 2015, The Shape of Jobs to Come, Future Science and Technology Timelines, the Future of China and India, the Future of Travel and Tourism, Convention 2020, Scenarios for Migration, Healthcare Innovation, Scenarios for Healthcare, Drug Futures, Demographic Trends and the Future of New Cities. He has led a number of studies on the future of travel, tourism, aviation and the meetings industry.
Rohit also has a particular geographic interest in the emerging economies of Asia and Africa and a strategic focus on the challenges of embedding foresight in leading organisations.
Previous experience
Author: The author of Designing Your Future, he was recently named by The Independent newspaper as one of the top ten global future thinkers, and is widely regarded as a leading authority on how technology is transforming business and society.
Research: He has led futures research, scenario planning and strategic consultancy projects for clients in aviation, travel and tourism, telecommunications, technology, pharmaceuticals, banking, environment, food and government sectors including 3M, Amadeus, BBC, BT, BAe, Bayer, De Beers, DHL, EADS, Electrolux, E&Y, GE, Hoover, Hyundai, IBM, HG, ING, Incheon, Intel, KPMG, M&S, Nakheel, Nokia, Nomura, Novartis, OECD, Orange, Panasonic, Pepsi, Pfizer, PwC, Samsung, Shell, Siemens, Symbian, Travelport and Yell. Rohit has worked with over 30 international associations and governments agencies in the US, UK, Finland, Dubai, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Singapore, and is passionate about helping his clients develop innovative responses to future opportunities and challenges.